Sunday, November 9, 2008

Beans, Beans, the caffeinated fruit...

Bye bye Facebook.  Hello   I'm told blogging is a must and don't have time for both...sooo here goes...

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new shipment of green beans tomorrow.   Due to arrive is an Organic Ethiopian Harrar, an Organic  Sumatra, an Organic Sumatra Decaf and another bag of the Rosebud Espresso blend.   Can't wait to fire up the roaster.  Currently the Organic Maya Ixil from Guatemala is my a.m. favorite.  Did I mention this bean is migratory bird friendly?  Give me about a week or so and if you are interested in a free sample pot (of coffee) email us at and we'll mail you one.


1 comment:

Lauren Baker said...

Can't wait to try it! Women NEED coffee!