Monday, June 15, 2009

Now Serving...

Sauvie Island Coffee's Espresso blend at Lofted Lair Gallery in old town St. Helens.   Owner Dave Ewing is not only doing his part supporting local artisans, he's featuring us this month in his espresso bar. Stop in for an iced mocha and have a look/see around his gallery.  All the art is from local artists of various mediums.  Fabulous stuff!  In fact, I went to deliver coffee and ended up buying a graduation gift, and 4 birthday presents.   Super fun, and I felt good about spending locally.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

If you are going to say something, say something nice!

Thank you Liz for today's pat on the back!

Hi Friends,
   I was just brewing my daily decaf coffee, realized how much I love this coffee, and wanted to share it with you.  A friend of mine has a farm next to my other friend, Kris, up in Oregon on Sauvie's Island.  She started a coffee roasting business and her decaf coffee is the best tasting I've ever had, including caffeinated.  It's significantly better than any other coffee.  I can only vouch for the Sumatra Organic Decaffeinated because that's what I get.  Before this I've wanted to drink decaf but never found one that was any good.  This decaf coffee is outstanding and everyone I've served it to agrees.  So if you want to buy great decaf the website is: